Monday, March 19, 2012

Day One

Hola! We had a great first day in Guatemala! They split us up into three teams; two teams mixed and poured concrete for families who have dirt floors, and the other team resurfaced walls with concrete. We realized how blessed we are in America, because we don't think about what life would be like if the floors in your house turned to mud every time it rained. All of the kids in El Recuerdo, the neighborhood we are working in this week, were very willing to try and talk to us, despite the language barrier. Those of us who speak Spanish had a lot of opportunities to practice speaking, and we are looking forward to learning more this week!  Thanks for your prayers!


  1. GOOOO TEAM! I'm glad you guys are getting to do amazing things there! Praying that God finds a way to bridge the language gap and that you continue to do awesome things!

  2. great job, guatemala people! SO happy to see your smiling faces & so grateful for what you all are doing to serve God, HIs people in guatemala & each other! beau, wishing you were there & appreciating your involvement all along the way:) (hi, ellen:)
